Since 2006, the Pöppler studio has been designing bespoke furniture pieces for select client projects. In each case, the furnishings have emerged to fill a need in an interior design concept, where there was nothing available on the market to perfectly complete the vision. With Pöppler’s delightfully irregular forms, where lines are skewed and circles made oval, the ideal object was often easier made than found.
From storage cabinets to dining tables to livingroom couches, each piece is a statement unto itself, intended to inspire communication – whether between people, objects or materials. The production process is no different, with close communication between the designers and artisanal craftsmen sourced from around Europe. Together they collaborate in developing elegant solutions to sophisticated design challenges using the finest available materials.
While each piece has initially been created for a unique interior design project, with specific colors and finishes in mind, the elements presented here are available in a range of colors and finishes that will suit your specific design needs.
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